Laboratorio de Sexualidad Humana LabSexUGR University of Granada

What is LabSex UGR?
We are a team of researchers, part of the Research Group identified as CTS261-Psicofisiología Clínica y Promoción de la Salud from University of Granada (Spain). We are interested in the study of different sexual health dimensions: sexual attitudes, desire, arousal, subjective orgasm experience, sexual satisfaction, sexual assertiveness, sexual fantasies, sexual double standard, masturbation, etc.
For 30 years, our research has revolved around human sexual behaviour, with the goal of identifying the key to a healthy and pleasurable sexuality.

Laboratorio de Sexualidad Humana LabSex UGR
Mind, Brain and Behaviour Centre (CIMCYC)
First Floor. Laboratory 17
Campus Universitario de Cartuja, s/n. Granada (Spain)
Linkedin: LabSex UGR
X (old twitter): @LabSex UGR
Instagram: LabSex UGR
Facebook: LabSex UGR

Special Issue "Advances in Sexual Health, Sexual Functioning, and Psychological Well-Being"